Smoke, Fog, Mist, ghost reality... our goal is to blur reality by projecting images through negative space and at key moments reveal them with various smoke, fog, mist, and black scrims. Live feed video, video feedback loops, generative audio AND over 2500 square feet of performer responsive generative video landscapes. Anton Marini’s dynamic content was synced and sequenced both in precision and in live response with the Sarah and Josh’s movements. Meagan Metcalf's powerful poetic lighting slowly reveals the band over time, first in shadow, then silhouette, then in video, next subtly lit behind a black scrim, and finally in full white light. Our video phantasm dynamically morphed into Sarah and Josh's human form and back to phantasm. In another highlight moment during Destroyer the stage slowly burns to a massive hyper-color fire as Sarah's black feather cloak begins to smoke from within. Possibly the most impressive part of the design was that everything fit into 2 trailers pulled behind two buses and scaled to fill 500 - 5000 person venues.